Statistical softwares
SAS: SAS Company, Documentation in SAS Company.
Some commonly used examples: Examples in R programming;
Computing softwares
Fortran: How to edit a paralleling program (Fortran 90), How to edit a PBS batch file, Introduction to Fortran 90 language (in Chinese, in English), ;
Some commonly used examples: Examples in Fortran programming.
Emacs(Emacs in GNU, emacs and R), Xemacs, Pspad (a wonderful program editor), Tinn-R, Latex (natbib.sty )
Top conferences and journals in machine learning.
Useful introductions to some terminologies:
Convolutional neural network (CNN);
Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTM);
Few shot learning;
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN);
Conferences and Talks